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Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Scale-out Deployment

Applies to:

  • DxEnterprise for Windows


Configuring Reporting Services in a scale-out deployment with a DxEnterprise managed virtual instance. The configuration is the same as without DxEnterprise installed, except that the Report Server database is attached to a managed Vhost\Instance. Please see the following Microsoft TechNet article for more information on how to install a Report Server Scale-out Deployment:

In this example we will be using the following cluster configuration:

  • Virtual Host Name: VSQL4

  • Reporting Services instance name: SSRS

  • Managed Instance Name: INST4

  • Report Server Database Name: ReportServer

  • Node Names: Node1-W2K8R2, Node2-W2K12 and Node3-W2K12R2


  1. Install Reporting Services instance to the nodes in which you wish it to run.

  2. Run Reporting Services Configuration Manager on one node.

  3. Connect to the first node.

    reporting services wizard


    All configuration options may be left at the default values unless otherwise mentioned below. You may also modify them if desired, but it is not necessary in order for scale-out to function within a DxEnterprise cluster.

  4. Select Database. Under Current Report Server Database select Change Database.

  5. Select whether to create a new Reporting Services database or choose an existing database. Click Next.

  6. Enter the managed <Vhost>&lt;Instance> and supply the connection credentials. It is recommended to use a Domain Account or SQL Server credentials for continuity on rehost or failover. Click Next.

    database configuration wizard

  7. Select or create the desired Report Server Database. Click Next

    configuration wizard choose report

  8. Configure the desired Report Server database credentials. Again, it is recommended to use a Domain Account or SQL Server credentials for continuity on rehost or failover. Click Next.

  9. Review the summary information. Click Next.

  10. If all configuration steps report Success, click Finish.

  11. Complete any remaining configuration steps (optional).

  12. Click Exit.

  13. Follow the Microsoft procedure to configure the remaining servers to connect to the same Report Server database and add them to the Scale-out Deployment.

    database configuration wizard finish

  14. Scale-out deployment is now complete.

Additional Information

  • When connecting to the Report Manager or Report Server URL, make sure to specify the VHost name instead of the physical server name.

It is highly recommended to leave the Web Services URL IP Address set to All Assigned so that the Vhost name or IP address is always available to connect to the Report Server site.

If desired, you may also add the SQL Server Reporting Services service to the Vhost and set a dependency to the instance where the Report Server database is located to ensure that the service is only active on the same node as the Report Server database.