DxOperator Quick Start Guide
DxOperator is a software extension to Kubernetes that uses custom resource definitions to automate the deployment of DxEnterprise clusters. DxEnterprise then provides all of the instrumentation to create, configure, manage and provide automatic failover for Microsoft SQL Server availability group workloads in Kubernetes.
For a free developer license to test DxOperator - Request a free license.
A Kubernetes cluster installed with at least 4GB of RAM.
An internet connection.
Install DxOperator
Download the DxOperator YAML.
wget https://dxoperator.dh2i.com/dxesqlag/files/v1-cu2.yaml
Apply the DxOperator YAML.
kubectl apply -f v1-cu2.yaml
Create a DxEnterpriseSqlAg
To deploy DxOperator with non-default SQL Server ports, please see the DxOperator with Non-default Ports for SQL Server
Create secrets for the DxEnterprise passkey, license key and the SQL Server SA account.
kubectl create secret generic dxe --from-literal=DX_PASSKEY=<pass> --from-literal=DX_LICENSE=<license_key>
kubectl create secret generic mssql --from-literal=MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=<pass>
(OPTIONAL) Apply a ConfigMap YAML for the
file.infoSee the Microsoft documentation for all supported variables for MSSQL.
configmap.yamlkind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: mssql-config
mssql.conf: |
enabled = truekubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
Copy the example
file below or download the file.infoThere are many configuration options for the DxEnterpriseSqlAg custom resource beyond those that are shown in this example. View the DxEnterpriseSqlAg API Reference for more information.
DxEnterpriseSqlAg.yamlapiVersion: dh2i.com/v1
kind: DxEnterpriseSqlAg
name: dxesqlag
synchronousReplicas: 3
asynchronousReplicas: 0
# ConfigurationOnlyReplicas are only allowed with availabilityGroupClusterType set to EXTERNAL
configurationOnlyReplicas: 0
availabilityGroupName: AG1
# Listener port for the availability group (uncomment to apply)
#availabilityGroupListenerPort: 14033
# For a contained availability group, add the option CONTAINED
availabilityGroupOptions: null
# Valid options are EXTERNAL (automatic failover) and NONE (no automatic failover)
availabilityGroupClusterType: EXTERNAL
createLoadBalancers: true
label: example
annotation: example
image: "docker.io/dh2i/dxe:latest"
imagePullPolicy: Always
acceptEula: true
clusterSecret: dxe
vhostName: VHOST1
joinExistingCluster: false
# QoS – guaranteed (uncomment to apply)
#memory: 1Gi
#cpu: '1'
# Configuration options for the required persistent volume claim for DxEnterprise
storageClassName: null
storage: 1Gi
image: "mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:latest"
imagePullPolicy: Always
mssqlSecret: mssql
acceptEula: true
mssqlPID: Developer
# Only set this to a value if you created a ConfigMap
mssqlConfigMap: null
# QoS – guaranteed (uncomment to apply)
#memory: 2Gi
#cpu: '2'
# Configuration options for the required persistent volume claim for SQL Server
storageClassName: null
storage: 2Gi
# Additional side-car containers, such as mssql-tools (uncomment to apply)
#- name: mssql-tools
#image: "mcr.microsoft.com/mssql-tools"
#command: [ "/bin/sh" ]
#args: [ "-c", "tail -f /dev/null" ]cautionIf you applied a ConfigMap in the previous optional step, you need to modify the highlighted
value, otherwise the ConfigMap will not be applied:mssqlConfigMap: mssql-config
Apply the DxEnterpriseSqlAg custom resource YAML.
kubectl apply -f DxEnterpriseSqlAg.yaml
Verify the deployment.
kubectl get pods
Verify load balancer assignments.
kubectl get services
Creating an Availability Group Listener
In the DxEnterpriseSqlAg
, add a new entry for the AG Listener.DxEnterpriseSqlAg.yamlspec:
availabilityGroupListenerPort: 14033 -
Apply the below service YAML to add a load balancer for the listener.
infoMake sure to set the selector to
dh2i.com/entity: <DxEnterpriseSqlAg_name>
, using the name that was applied in theDxEnterpriseSqlAg.yaml
above.Example Load Balancer ServiceapiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: dxemssql-cluster-lb
type: LoadBalancer
dh2i.com/entity: dxesqlag
- name: sql
protocol: TCP
port: 1433
targetPort: 1433
- name: listener
protocol: TCP
port: 14033
targetPort: 14033
- name: dxe
protocol: TCP
port: 7979
targetPort: 7979 -
Verify the load balancer assignments.
kubectl get services
Removing Custom Resources and DxOperator
The below steps will allow you to delete the custom resources and PVCs to redeploy with the same operator (steps 1 & 2). Or you can optionally also delete DxOperator completely (step 3).
Delete the DxEnterpriseSqlAg custom resource YAML.
kubectl delete -f DxEnterpriseSqlAg.yaml
Delete the persistent volume claims (PVC).
kubectl delete pvc --all
Delete the DxOperator YAML.
dangerRunning this command will delete the DxEnterpriseSqlAg CRD. If any DxEnterpriseSqlAg custom resources remain in the Kubernetes cluster, Kubernetes will destroy them as part of the deletion process. Only run this command if you intend on removing every DxEnterpiseSqlAg too!
To list all DxEnterpriseSqlAgs, run 'kubectl get dxesqlag'.
kubectl delete -f v1-cu2.yaml