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DxAdmin Quick Start Guide


This quick start guide describes how to install the client UI utility, DxAdmin, to then connect to a target DxEnterprise cluster.


  • Windows 7 and above, x86 or x64.

  • .NET Framework 4.5.2.

Download and Install DxAdmin

  1. Download the latest client .msi from the DH2i Client Portal.

  2. Double-click the installer and follow the prompts to install.

  3. A welcome screen will be displayed. Click Next to continue with the installation.

    Begin the DxAdmin Installation

  4. Select I accept... to accept the license agreement and click Next to continue.

    Accept the DxAdmin EULA

  5. In the Destination Folder window, select an installation folder for DxAdmin and click Next.

    Select the DxAdmin installation folder

  6. In the Ready to Install window, click Install.

    Start DxAdmin Installation

  7. Click Finish to complete the installation.

    Complete the DxAdmin installation

Connect to DxEnterprise Cluster with DxAdmin Client

  1. Double-clicking the DxAdmin icon on the Windows desktop will display the following login dialog. Select the target server; the default name is localhost on port 7979. To specify a different port, append it to the target server name using a colon (:). The server name can also be written as localhost:7979.

    Login to the server

  2. Enter the target cluster PassKey and click the Connect Server button to start managing the DxEnterprise cluster.
