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Version: v23.0

Azure Blob Storage Witness Quick Start Guide


This quick start guide describes how to create and deploy a witness using Azure Storage for either DxEnterprise or DxOdyssey. Using this guide, the user will create an Azure Storage Account, then use an Access Key or Shared Access Signature (SAS) URL in DxAdmin or DxCLI to connect to the witness.


Create an Azure Storage Account

  1. Once an Azure account has been set up, select Azure Storage to create a new storage account.

    Storage account creation page

  2. Assign the storage account to a new or existing resource group and give it a name.

Create an Access Key or SAS URL for the Witness

  1. In the storage account, select Azure Keys on the left menu.

  2. Select Show Keys.

  3. Select Copy to copy the connection string.

    Copy the storage account key

Add the Witness

Adding the cluster witness can be done via DxEnterprise's UI, DxAdmin, or through DxCLI.

  1. In DxAdmin, navigate to Advanced Configuration > Cluster Settings > Witness > WitnessProperties, then select the ellipses (...) to the right of WitnessProperties.

    Select the witness properties

  2. In the witness manager window, select Add Witness.

    Select Add Witness

  3. For witness type, select Azure Blob Storage.

    Set the witness type as Azure Blob Storage

  4. Paste the Connection String or Blob service SAS URL into the Witness Path box and select Test. Once it passes the test, select OK.

  5. Select the Apply button to save the configuration.

Additional Information