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Version: v22.0

exVhosts for Availability Groups with DxCLI Quick Start Guide


This guide describes how to add an Extended Vhost (exVhost) to a DxEnterprise cluster and then add an availability group to the exVhost. DxEnterprise supports two types of Vhosts: Standard Vhosts (Vhosts), which have nodes as members, and exVhosts, whose members consist of other Vhosts. The exVhosts are designed for running an availability group (AG) across multiple HA instances. This gives users the ability to have HA on both the primary replica and secondary replicas for the AG while providing independent health monitoring and failovers of the HA instances and the AG.


This doc covers the deployment of three AG replicas. When deploying availability groups, please be aware of Quorum Considerations for SQL Server Availability Groups.


  • DxEnterprise HA instances will need to be configured beforehand. For more information on configuring an HA instance, please see the Add an HA SQL Server Instance section of the DxEnterprise Admin Guide.

For SQL Server on Linux, SQL Server 2019 CU9 or later will need to be installed and virtualized.

Create the exVhost Availability Group

  1. Add an exVhost to the cluster using the command dxcli cluster-add-vhost.


    dxcli cluster-add-vhost exvhost1 VHOST:vhost1,VHOST:vhost2,VHOST:vhost3 "" 1 40001
  2. Add the Availability Group to the exVhost using the command dxcli add-ags.


    dxcli add-ags exvhost1 ags1 "VHOST:vhost1|instance1|||5022|SYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT" "VHOST:vhost2|instance2|||5022|SYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT" "VHOST:vhost3|instance3|||5022|SYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT" 

Additional Information